Gerry Kearns vocal & guitar; John Howarth & Larry Kearns chorus
It happen’d t’other Monday morn, while seated at my loom, sirs,
Pickin’th’ends fro, eaut o’th yorn, eaur Nan pop’d into room sirs,
Hoo shouted eaut, aw tell thee, Dick, aw think thour’t actin’ shabby,
So off yo Lunnon cut thy stick, and look at th’royal babby.
Every thing wur fun an’ glee, they laugh’d at o aw tow’d em,
An’ ax’d if th’ folk wur o like me, ut happen’d t’come fro’ Owdham.
Then off aw goes an’ never stops, till into th’ palace handy;
Th’ child wur sucking lollypops, plums and sugarcandy;
An’ little Vic I’th nook aw spied, a monkey on her lap, mon,
An’ Albert sittin’ by her side, mixin’ gin an’ pap mon
ChorusEvery thing wur fun an’ glee, they laugh’d at o aw tow’d em,
An’ ax’d if th’ folk wur o like me, ut happen’d t’come fro’ Owdham.
When Albert seed me, up he jumps, an’ reet to me did waddle;
An’ little Vicky sprung her pumps wi’ shakin’ o’ my daddle;
They ax’d me to have a glass o’ wine, for pleasure up it waxes;
O yes , says aw, sir eight or nine, it o’ comes eaut o’th taxes.
Every thing wur fun an’ glee, they laugh’d at o aw tow’d em,
An’ ax’d if th’ folk wur o like me, ut happen’d t’come fro’ Owdham.
They said they’d send their son to school as soon as he could walk mon,
And then for fear he’d be a foo, they’d larn him th’Owdham talk mon,
Says aw there’s summut else as well, there’s nout loik drainin’ th’whole pit
For fear he’ll ha’ for t’keep hissell, aw’d larn him wark I’th coal pit.
Every thing wur fun an’ glee, they laugh’d at o aw tow’d em,
An’ ax’d if th’ folk wur o like me, ut happen’d t’come fro’ Owdham.
Then up o’th slopes we had a walk’ to give our joints relief sirs,
And then we sat us deaun to talk, ‘bout politics and beef sirs,
Aw towd ‘em th’ corn laws wur but froth, an’ th’taxes must o drop mon,
That when eaur Nan wur makin’ broath, some fat might get to th’top mon.
Every thing wur fun an’ glee, they laugh’d at o aw tow’d em,
An’ ax’d if th’ folk wur o like me, ut happen’d t’come fro’ Owdham.
So neaw my tale is at an end but nowt but truth aw tells sirs,
If ever we want the times to mend we’ll ha’ for t’ do ‘t eaur sells sir,
So neau yo seen aw’ve towd my sprees, and sure as aw am wick mon,
If my owd wife and Albert dees aw’ll try for ‘t wed wi Vic mon.
Every thing wur fun an’ glee, they laugh’d at o aw tow’d em,
An’ ax’d if th’ folk wur o like me, ut happen’d t’come fro’ Owdham.
It happen’d t’other Monday morn, while seated at my loom, sirs,
Pickin’th’ends fro, eaut o’th yorn, eaur Nan pop’d into room sirs,
Hoo shouted eaut, aw tell thee, Dick, aw think thour’t actin’ shabby,
So off yo Lunnon cut thy stick, and look at th’royal babby.
Every thing wur fun an’ glee, they laugh’d at o aw tow’d em,
An’ ax’d if th’ folk wur o like me, ut happen’d t’come fro’ Owdham.
Then off aw goes an’ never stops, till into th’ palace handy;
Th’ child wur sucking lollypops, plums and sugarcandy;
An’ little Vic I’th nook aw spied, a monkey on her lap, mon,
An’ Albert sittin’ by her side, mixin’ gin an’ pap mon
ChorusEvery thing wur fun an’ glee, they laugh’d at o aw tow’d em,
An’ ax’d if th’ folk wur o like me, ut happen’d t’come fro’ Owdham.
When Albert seed me, up he jumps, an’ reet to me did waddle;
An’ little Vicky sprung her pumps wi’ shakin’ o’ my daddle;
They ax’d me to have a glass o’ wine, for pleasure up it waxes;
O yes , says aw, sir eight or nine, it o’ comes eaut o’th taxes.
Every thing wur fun an’ glee, they laugh’d at o aw tow’d em,
An’ ax’d if th’ folk wur o like me, ut happen’d t’come fro’ Owdham.
They said they’d send their son to school as soon as he could walk mon,
And then for fear he’d be a foo, they’d larn him th’Owdham talk mon,
Says aw there’s summut else as well, there’s nout loik drainin’ th’whole pit
For fear he’ll ha’ for t’keep hissell, aw’d larn him wark I’th coal pit.
Every thing wur fun an’ glee, they laugh’d at o aw tow’d em,
An’ ax’d if th’ folk wur o like me, ut happen’d t’come fro’ Owdham.
Then up o’th slopes we had a walk’ to give our joints relief sirs,
And then we sat us deaun to talk, ‘bout politics and beef sirs,
Aw towd ‘em th’ corn laws wur but froth, an’ th’taxes must o drop mon,
That when eaur Nan wur makin’ broath, some fat might get to th’top mon.
Every thing wur fun an’ glee, they laugh’d at o aw tow’d em,
An’ ax’d if th’ folk wur o like me, ut happen’d t’come fro’ Owdham.
So neaw my tale is at an end but nowt but truth aw tells sirs,
If ever we want the times to mend we’ll ha’ for t’ do ‘t eaur sells sir,
So neau yo seen aw’ve towd my sprees, and sure as aw am wick mon,
If my owd wife and Albert dees aw’ll try for ‘t wed wi Vic mon.
Every thing wur fun an’ glee, they laugh’d at o aw tow’d em,
An’ ax’d if th’ folk wur o like me, ut happen’d t’come fro’ Owdham.
The Owdham Chap’s Visit To Th’ Queen
Long hours, alternating with periods of short time, and incessant bitter productivity drives, were the common experience of cotton operatives during the first half of the nineteenth century. Many a millhand had the illusion that if Royalty knew what was going on, they’d act to stop the misery. Several songs were made on the theme of the common worker’s visit to the Palace, some bitter, others doggedly good-natured. This one, from a broadside in the Oldham Local History Library, is of the latter sort.
Long hours, alternating with periods of short time, and incessant bitter productivity drives, were the common experience of cotton operatives during the first half of the nineteenth century. Many a millhand had the illusion that if Royalty knew what was going on, they’d act to stop the misery. Several songs were made on the theme of the common worker’s visit to the Palace, some bitter, others doggedly good-natured. This one, from a broadside in the Oldham Local History Library, is of the latter sort.
First published by Topic 1971
Oldham’s Burning Sands LP TOPIC TSDL206 STEREO
The Oldham Tinkers
Ballads, Songs & Daft Ditties
First published by Topic 1971
Recorded at TPA (Tin Pan Ally) Studios 1971
Produced by A L Lloyd
Sleeve design Humphrey Weightman
Photography by Benny Kearns
Re-released on C.D. by Pier Records in 1999 under licence from Topic Records Ltd, England.
The C.D. The Oldham Tinkers, ‘A FINE OLD ENGLISH GENTLEMAN’, The best of TOPIC YEARS. PIERCD 501
Pier Records is a Wooden Hill Recordings Ltd label.
This album features remastered original recordings of the very best or the Oldham Tinkers. Compiled by B.B.C. presenter ANDY KERSHAW with a booklet including extensive new sleeve notes by Larry Kearns.
Oldham’s Burning Sands LP TOPIC TSDL206 STEREO
The Oldham Tinkers
Ballads, Songs & Daft Ditties
First published by Topic 1971
Recorded at TPA (Tin Pan Ally) Studios 1971
Produced by A L Lloyd
Sleeve design Humphrey Weightman
Photography by Benny Kearns
Re-released on C.D. by Pier Records in 1999 under licence from Topic Records Ltd, England.
The C.D. The Oldham Tinkers, ‘A FINE OLD ENGLISH GENTLEMAN’, The best of TOPIC YEARS. PIERCD 501
Pier Records is a Wooden Hill Recordings Ltd label.
This album features remastered original recordings of the very best or the Oldham Tinkers. Compiled by B.B.C. presenter ANDY KERSHAW with a booklet including extensive new sleeve notes by Larry Kearns.